Thursday, March 26, 2009

For those MARCHING BAND geeks out there...?

1. What are some successful group fundraisers you have had?

2. What are some mottos your band has used in past years as your %26quot;theme%26quot; of the year?

3. What are some disciplinary rules your band has set to make sure that they stay on track?
For those MARCHING BAND geeks out there...?
1. Candle sales have generated enough funds to buy many instruments and have sent the band on the annual Disney trip year after year.

2. The best motto we%26#039;ve ever had is split between perfect practice makes perfect performance and you practice as you perform. Uniformity is also something our band strives for.

3. In our band, if you misbehave, you do pushups!
For those MARCHING BAND geeks out there...?
little caesar%26#039;s pizza kits is a good fundraiser.

the best fundraiser my high school ever did, and still does, is a raffle. there are like 20 prizes, at different amounts of money, and tickets are $100 each. it takes a lot of organization to pull it off, but you make a LOT of money.
Reply:1.fruit sales, car washes, dance-a-thons(only not really, but i think a dance off would be good to earn money. haa)

2.don%26#039;t want you to steal out amazing mottos. :) up the field, running, longer practice.

i LOVE band.

i%26#039;m an ultamite band geek.

Reply:1. spring concert with name brand guest artists, with %26quot;a taste of ________%26quot; (put your local comunity in the blank).

students and parents got local restaurants and stores to donate food, beverages, paper goods etc. to sell as a fundraiser before the concert. our worst year in ten netted us $1800 for one evenings work, (thats just the food sales).

2. don%26#039;t cheat yourself, always give your best!

3. no potty mouth on the field, no exceptions! this means coaches and band directors do pushups if they lose their cool! (one rehearsal i did 130 pushups for bad words %26amp; i had my section leaders and DM doing them with me voluntarily out of respect,....)
Reply:1. mulch sales, various flowers, and candles.

2. basically, integrity

3. they use the water breaks a source of control. like if we dont do as well, then we get shorter water breaks.

[2nd place in the entire east coast]

and we worked hard for it too

I do not like fund raising. There I%26#039;ve said it. Seriously, you get what, 40 cents out of every dollar? That is not fair. I like to have car-washes, silent auctions (where we auction off community service by my students...lawn care, painting, dog walking etc...). We held a Guitar Hero Showdown this spring - it wasn%26#039;t as successful as I wanted, but we charged a $4.00 registration fee and awarded trophies to the winner (recycled MB trophies from years past). My band boosters also collect donations during out neighborhood rehearsals (we march through different neighborhoods once a week). These things we do the band keeps 100% of the proceeds and seems to work pretty well. We also do the more common methods of fund-raising throughout the year...cheese and sausages, candy, popcorn, magazines, gift wrap. I am contemplating on doing a %26quot;march-a-thon%26quot; at some point - where each MB member gets sponsered for every lap they do around the track.

Onto mottos...

I use a lot of different little quips throughout the school year.

I treat MB a lot like an athletic activity and expect my student to treat it as such. The one motto I like to use during the MB season is %26quot;go hard, or go home.%26quot; I can%26#039;t take credit for that, Minnesota Teacher of the Year Tom Keating used it in his classroom (kudos TK!)

Disciplinary actions...

Maybe I should have said that I run it more like a boot camp than and athletic activity. I make my members stand outside at attention at 8:30 at night with the mosquitoes bighting with not scratching and no moving. If anyone moves I add 1 minute more (They start at 3 minutes...inevitably someone WILL scratch). If there is ANY disrespect to anyone in an authority position, they lose 10 participation points (they all start at 200). Music not memorized by the end of the 3rd week...they loose 10 participation points. Inappropriate behavior in the community (practice or parades) we always have the laps/push ups. I also don%26#039;t air condition the rehearsal room during the summer, that way if we need to move indoors for rehearsal, it is just as warm in there as it is outside. Sadomasochistic? Perhaps. But it has worked for the past 31 years at my school.
Reply:1)Fruit sale (LOL typical I know), jazzy Italian Night

2)Well this goes every year (especially since were in quad A) %26quot;Great bands are made in the last thirty minutes [of practice]%26quot;

3) depends on your caption head/ section leader. I%26#039;m in guard and we do push ups for swearing etc.

also we have a policy for when to show up at practice. as my BD says....

%26quot;If your early your on-time, on-time your late, late... you don%26#039;t want to know.%26quot;
Reply:we do fruit sales.

haha. so many bands do that. but let me tell ya it is sooooo helpful. we also see cheese and sausage! lol. its from some company. i dont know what it is because i dont sell the cheese and sausage stuff. but still helpful.

we dont really have any mottos. our band director just kinda gives us %26quot;the look%26quot; and we know that we better do our best. lol

but in the stands everybody yells

J-E-F-F [echo] j-e-f-f

F-E-R [echo] f-e-r-

S-O-N [echo] s-o-n

[everybody.] C-O-U-N-T-Y



hahahahaha. seems lame, but its fun when your actually doing it.

uhm. when the band doesnt get quiet when were supposed to or we missbehave in any way.

we do sets.

freshman-15 push ups

sophmores-20 push ups

juniors-25 push ups

seniors-30 push ups

so its really bad when he says BAND HIT THE DECK!!!! GIVE ME 5 SETS!

ugh. but i love band anyway. :]]

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