Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do anyone have the scores or know where i can get them for...?

the piano scores for

Irony of Fate


Meaning of birth

all from the tales series
Do anyone have the scores or know where i can get them for...?
Okay, I don%26#039;t think they are there, but let me paste the links to popular video game music sites here:

BlueLaguna - - lots of OSTs, but no sheet music.

Final Fantasy Music - - lot of sheet music, but unfortunately all FF.

The last one is also a popular site for game music and media, but my antivirus software detected a trojan going in. I%26#039;ll paste it anyway...

Galbadia Hotel -
Do anyone have the scores or know where i can get them for...?
Find a local music store and ask them.
Reply:Try they have the largest music library on the internet and if they don%26#039;t have it, then it probably doesn%26#039;t exist

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