Thursday, March 26, 2009

How can I be a better dancer?

I%26#039;ve been in hip hop for 2 years now.. I really like it, and I really want to become the dancers in Step Up 2 and the other pros. I videotaped myself and... I look really bored and just really floppy.. haha. I have no clue how to... if anyone can help me it will be great! Thanks!!
How can I be a better dancer?
Well, you definitely sound like you have the determination and will to pursue a career like that, but as a dance major in college and a dancer for fifteen years, here are some ways to get there:

- first of all, having some good solid dance lessons and schooling can make a good impression in the future of being hired as a professional dancer

- second, you must dedicate your heart and soul to it, WHEN you are ready, don`t dive into something you don`t think you really love and are going to stick to it and work hard; this is reality, and life is only what you make of it.

- third, start thinking about taking other forms of dance; such as ballet, modern, jazz, pointe (you`ll probably have to wait a little bit for that), and I know some people don%26#039;t want to do %26quot;other%26quot; dances because they only like one particular type, but trust me, it`ll all connect in the end and you`ll be accepted more with all the extra experience.

- fourth, I really don`t know how serious you are about this, but I hope you are very serious because dance is just an utterly amazing thing =], just keep working at it, never stop, never give up, never let anyone else get the better of you by saying it`s stupid or a waste of your time; because it definitely isn%26#039;t, dance is a wonderful and just delicate and beautiful art, no matter what form.

I am also bias because I am a dancer =] and I too fell in love with both step ups, but it is true, those dancers did not get onto that screen by just saying they really liked dancing - they worked their asses off for many years and it took some damn good just raw skill, dedication, concentration, hard work, will, and belief in themselves to do it.

So good luck, and keep on dancing!
How can I be a better dancer?
facial expressions

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