Thursday, March 26, 2009

What was your first encounter with Theatre and the experience it gave you?

My first experience with the theatre was about 4 and my mum took me to see the %26#039;Puff the Magic Dragon%26#039; stage show (i loved it) Ever since then i me and mum hav been to about 14 different stage shows and we hav loved every single one of them. The theatre has made me someone who enjoys the arts music dance and all theat sort of thing. I love the theatre.
What was your first encounter with Theatre and the experience it gave you?
Elementary School. I was forced to play a part I didn%26#039;t want to and I have disliked theater ever since. I have found now that I am approaching 40 years of age that my taste is slowly changing and I think I could deal with some theater.
What was your first encounter with Theatre and the experience it gave you?
My first time on stage was at my mother%26#039;s high school reunion about 9 years ago. My mother%26#039;s friend%26#039;s children (about age 10+) were suppossed to sing the circle of life from lion king. None of them had the courgae to and I (thinking it was a game) went up and sung the chorus about 5 times but was rewarded with lion king paintings hehe. Anyway, that memory has stayed with my and now i%26#039;m 15 and last week, I played the part of Mark Cohen in our high school%26#039;s major production of %26quot;Rent%26quot;; last week I was also awarded a certificate of achievement in theatre arts. That first moment on stage taught me not to think on stage, but not to be too impulsive, just live in the moment, and act that you are your character.
Reply:Uh... you look really familiar. Like someone holding the Drama of History 2008 for singapore. uh, my first %26quot;brush%26quot; with theatre in acting would be when I was primary 4 (10). Acted as an old man, got knocked by a rowdy teen, the passer-bys had to help my character. My most popular role has been a ol man ever since :) Contact me if you know of Drama of History!
Reply:I have always admire those who been a part of theater. The courage and dedication poured into. Last year I went to watch Putri Gunung Ledang the Musical and had enjoyed it immensely. It will always be in my mind and soul. From the props to the sounds system, the minor roles to the main roles, the scripts and the lyrics, easily put it, the whole productions I rate it Excellent!
Reply:I%26#039;m a performer and since I was a kid the stage was part of my growing up, performing arts is tough but very fullfiling, countless days and hours of rehearsing and preparing for the main event, but it%26#039;s not just the spotlight and ovations you recieve from the audience that makes you feel special, its the bond you had with your fellow artists, friendship and how it molds you as a person, how it teaches you to live your life, its a brotherhood, not just a share for love in performing but also a foundation of what%26#039;s ahead you. . . there are countless productions that I was in, plays, variety shows, concerts, operas etc. and i say the stage is our exhibit, a showroom of our world, our culture, and life couldn%26#039;t be the same without it.
Reply:the first i could remember is my free-time doodled script was noticed by my teacher, she encouraged me to put it up with friends during assembly. I%26#039;ve always watched TV programmes, but it%26#039;s funny how staging it was much more fun than watching it though the box. Thanks to my Primary 4 teacher for the fun that i%26#039;ve had!
Reply:My first theatre experience was when I was 14. We had a school official opening ceremony and I was one of those chosen to be part of the musical cast. Quited my then CCA, uniform group, to join the Drama Club. I just fell in love with it till today. When you take up a certain role, it can be such a stress relieving process. You put aside your life and problems and what have you, for that moment and take up the character%26#039;s life - completely putting yourself in others%26#039; hoes and just being in character. Great feeling, difficult to express. Since then, been watching theatres every now and then such as Miss Saigon, Phantom of the Opera, Singing in the Rain, Oliver Twist and some of the local ones like JBJ, The Good Citizen, Pillowman etc. Theatre is thousand times better than movies in a cinema..
Reply:Hey Nat!

I am Andrew from CLOSE IN MY FACE! Remember me?Gosh! It%26#039;s been sooooo long! Firstly,I want to congratulate you for the work that you have done.Wow wow bam wam!

I remember my 1st stage performance with you and the gang.It was an experience that I will never forget!Totally different from TV work.Stage acting and production is totally challenging and exciting! Once the ball starts rolling,the show must go on.I will always remember you as someone that is talented to a %26quot;T%26quot;.Oh man!You don%26#039;t know how the nerves got me everytime it was my turn perform with you guys.If I could turn back the clock,I would have been chosen the stage over a camera.

Once again,congrats and continue to do what you are doing cos you are doing such a great job!


Reply:Surprisingly, my first encounter with Theatre was a school assembly play in my secondary school years ago. But my genuine first encounter with Theatre was in 1999 when I watched the Kuo Pao Kun%26#039;s %26quot;Sunset Rise%26quot; during the Singapore Arts Festival 1999. That performance inspired me to pursue a theatre career.
Reply:I love stage show. When I was 16, I studied Macbeth as part of my Literature subject and that was I first saw a seriously setup stage with actors in costumes. And after that, I began my quest to watch the performances at the theatres, whenever time and money can afford. The most memorable show I have watched is The Phantom of The Opera which I watched twice when they were in town. I would still catch them again if they return.
Reply:It felt great since the first time i went there..
Reply:my first encounter was accompanying my aunt for a very short play abt protect trees(dun remember group nor title) at Lau Pa Sat when I was in primary school...then when i grew up and joined church, i went to help out making props for its drama production...ever since then, i have been helping in props and stage management for 4 yrs :)

it gives me a very fulfilling feeling whenever i see the people in rehearsal,and people enjoying the production :)
Reply:My 1st encounter was when I accompanied a friend to watch a Chinese play in which her bro acted in. I had a good experience. I love going to the theatre thereafter, esp. for Chinese plays. After that, I do go to English plays as well and enjoy them tremendously. The latest one that I went was Broadway Beng 3! It%26#039;s totally hilarious. I almost laughed my head off. And I took a photo with Sebastian Tan. Cool!!! =)
Reply:I played Tom in the Glass Menagerie for a school play when I was 15 (though I%26#039;m a girl) and it was fantastic! Introduced me to such a magnificent world of beauty and imagination that I could ever hope for! I am definitely going in the business man!
Reply:i saw %26quot;south pacific%26quot; when i was 4 or 5. i was baffled by the song about washing the %26quot;man right out of my hair%26quot;. i had no idea what it meant, and for some strange reason it scared me. i didn%26#039;t like the experience. i saw a few other plays, none were remarkable. i did like the sets on the %26quot;christmas carol%26quot;. i guess i am not a theatre person. the characters just seem like a bunch of crazy people breaking into song %26amp; dance all the time. but i absolutely loved %26quot;stomp%26quot;. i went twice. i loved that they didn%26#039;t keep singing about everything. anyway, i wish i had a better experience to tell you because i admire that you are doing what you love.
Reply:The theatre is like one big family... you get to know everyone so well because you are with them everyday! In my opinion, it is the best experience anyone can have! :)
Reply:LORD of the Flies! When I was 16, my friend Monoho and I did the play for school assembly. The teacher left everything to us and we did recruitment, playwrite, production, directing all on our own. We even created the pig ourselves with cardboards, tapes and cottonwool and had to carry it to school at 6a.m. Half way through the journey we stole a chair as a carrier from a kopitiam as the pig was just too heavy and cotton was stuck to our perspiring bodies. What fun!
Reply:my first theater experience was during my Sec 4 year when my whole class was part of a school theater production at Victoria Theatre. it was quite an experience! although we were quite stiff on stage, only singing one song as background people, it was good! i just love the whole idea of preparation, rehearsing, making sure everything goes smoothly!

after that, wasn%26#039;t given much chance to go on stage. more of backstage help. but i do go to theater productions once in a while. =)
Reply:nice,relaxing,a place worth going.
Reply:Well, my very first was definitely the Show that my Uncle brought me to in the Singapore Indoor Stadium...

It was about a man eating plant and a florist hahakz I can%26#039;t really remember the name but i was about 5 or 7 around there cant remember much from way back then...

Oh and i think my first TRUE theatre experience of being on stage was finally in your direction Ms Natalie hahakz..

This is Greg from Northbrooks Secondary School .. I still remember being guided by you at my Secondary School three or so years back and that Gold Winning Performance at the Singapore Youth Festival was the Most Gratifying award I%26#039;ve ever gotten in my Lifetime To Date ..

Now im in Nafa and well studying Visual Communcations and still pursuing my interest in the Arts and all this is partly thanks to you.. =]... Arts for Life..

Reply:I cannot really remember my first encounter, but I have actually attended a play at DBS Auditorium today. (Youth Matters).

It was really touching because the play very much related to the lives of teenagers and youngsters these days. It showcased the problems individuals may face when trying to fit into their family and also how family can be not very supportive of their children. (Individual and Family)

As a teen myself, I was able to identify what relates to my life and I concentrated on that particular scenario. The play showed us that no matter how angry or uoset we may get with life and parents, they have always done what is right for us. For example, a mother canes her child, but actually loves the child deep down inside. They have their own way of showing their love to their children. However, I felt that this does not apply to everyone. Speaking from experience, I think a more matured child should be able to identify what is right and what is wrong on his/her own. When the child is matured enough and takes life seriously, he/she is able to tell if a parent really loves them.

In conclusion, I have been exposed to the various issues faced by teenagers and I have understood what is right and wrong. To reiterate my earlier statement, I would just like to say that there are some parents out there who just do not care about their children at all. For example, after a divorce, one parent does not bother to contact his/her kids eventhough there are many ways to contact them. This I would say is not good parenting. Before I go out of point, I would prefer to end my answer here.
Reply:Hi Natalie :)

The first time I went to the theatre I saw Romeo and Juliet.

I was only 5 y.o. and didn%26#039;t have a clue what it was all about.

Since then, I have seen many Operas, Operettas, and plays in Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Austria, England, Singapore and of course the Opera house in Sydney.

I must say that I used to enjoy going to the theatre much more than today.

When I was a teenager, we would all get really dressed up, out of respect for the performers.

Today, very few people make the effort. Something I found very disturbing when I was in Sydney.

However, the last performance I saw by the Necessary Stage Club, Singaporeans do dress to show respect.

Love to see your new play

Much Ado About Nothing (Raffles Hotel) was one of the plays I saw.

Excellent performance.

Would love it if they could show CATS again in Singapore

Reply:veri boring send me more?
Reply:Actually..I went to the Theatre with my school..but it was fun..coz I it was a comedy movie..and the movie is called Charlotte Web..kind of childish show, huh?..But as I said, it was a school outing..

My experience is that, I learned a lot from it.. no eating in the Theatre, and we got to choose the right seat but I think it was fun and exciting..coz I love comedies.. and I guess I always wanted to watch it and I just did..I am really happy...=D....I hope I got that chance again..

p.s.;re right..they are..
Reply:My first encounter with theatre was 3rd grade. of course i had been to plays at the local theatre and high school productions, but i was asked to play Mrs. Bookworm in the Candy Cane Kid. I was in a new school and didnt have that many friends, but i soon gained many playmates after the drama teacher awarded me %26quot;best actress%26quot; of the year. it was the highlight of my 3rd grade life ^_^
Reply:hey! I will be going for a workshop on 10 June for the Drama of History at the National Museum of Singapore! That will be my first workshop on drama! (:
Reply:When i was 8 years old!

I was acting as Mother Mary for kids chirstmas celebration. ever since, I%26#039;ve always like doing it.

I had several theatre activity during my secondary school and eventually went to Lasalle-SIA and graduated from Diploma in drama.

Theatre is always my passion!
Reply:Pls change ur pic in the yahoo main page.

Irritates me whenever i click onto it...

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