Thursday, March 26, 2009

Learning guitar?

OK, I%26#039;m learning to play guitar. Not through classes, not through online lessons. I know how to read tabs like the ones on and I%26#039;ve had about a week or so of practice on a fairly easy song. One of my parents said she would get me an electric guitar if I learn the acoustic guitar good enough.

question being: About how long do you think it will take me if I keep practicing an hour a night, like good enough to play some fast songs? (example: FCPREMIX by Fall of Troy)
Learning guitar?
If you really practice hard you might get good enough to play normal acoustic songs in a few months. It%26#039;ll be hard without help, but one of the big things in acoustic is bar chords. it%26#039;ll look like this on a tab:







put your pointer finger across the whole fret and then use your other three fingers to play the 4 5 5 (it%26#039;s like an E chord, but moved up). Look those up online because there%26#039;s a few others.

To play a minor bar chord just take away the 4 there. Any bar chord can be played anywhere on the neck, just be sure to play it the same ex:







You can play bar chords on the 5th string too; they%26#039;re higher notes.







just put the pointer finger down and lay your ring finger over the fret 2 in front of your pointer.

Try playing blackbird, but be sure to start out slow and not use a pick. Jack Johnson is also good for inspiration, but he%26#039;ll probably be too hard for you to do for a while.
Learning guitar?
Hey Dizz

If you practice 7 days a week, you are on the right track. The secret to anything is to practice every single day. Here is a little help you out.

Use one finger per fret. 1-2-3-4 ...pick this with alternate up and down stroke.

Practice on each string and when you get to the small string, go backwards.....4-3-2-1

Then, re-start with 4-3-2-1 and when you get to the small string, do 1-2-3-4.

Do this steadily and you will increase your speed in 2 weeks guaranteed.

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